Montreal - Pet-Friendly Restaurants & Cafes


Le Doggie Bag Cafe

5976 Monkland ,
Montreal, PQ H4A1G8
This doggie cafe is a cafeteria for dogs. Dogs can have a chicken or beef meal, and for deserts there are freshly organic baked cookies. Most of the stuff is for dogs, there are doggie treats, cookies and more doggie cookies. People can sit down, read magazines or books. There are soft drinks for people, hot chocolate, tea, cappuccino, black coffee, cafe au lait, bottle water, juices and snacks such as muffins, brownies, oatmeal cookies, shortbread, chocolate bars and very cool and expensive dog accessories. This place should be listed on your international list in Canada. If you are going international DO NOT close yourself by only giving choices in the USA, such as the state of the zip code. European cities or Canadian cities are very different from you. Since you do not give an international city as an option, I selected the State of NY only for "the filling application form" purposes. I really like your web site, the writing is hilarious, but if your objective is to reach internat