PET FRIENDLY Laurel Springs

PET FRIENDLY Laurel Springs

Pet travel starts with finding a pet friendly lodging. We are currently showing 1 pet-friendly hotels in Laurel Springs, North Carolina, which we define as dog friendly or cat friendly. Some of the hotels also accept other animals such as birds or ferrets. Our lodgings also include listings for pet-friendly Bed & Breakfasts, Cabins and Cottages, Inns and Motels if they are available in a particular location.

Featured Pet-Friendly Hotels in Laurel Springs


Cabins On Laurel Creek

2900 S. Laurel Fork Rd.
Laurel Springs, NC 28644
2900 S. Laurel Fork Rd.
Laurel Springs, NC 28644

Pet Policy: Fee: $10. All sizes and pets welcome.

Policy Confirmed: 06/25/2015 | Update this Pet Policy

Policy Confirmed: 06/25/2015

Pet Amenities: Pond for swimming, 10 acres for romping.

Points of Interest: Hiking on the Blue Ridge Pkwy.