I checked in. Room 227 was filthy. The bathroom was disgusting. There was poop on the toilet seat and urine all over it and the floor. The bed undoubtedly had not been changed from previous occupant. They moved me to room 217. Bathroom was as filthy as 227. 3rd room - marginal but slightly better. I spend about 50-60 nights a year in hotels. I don’t ever give bad reviews. This place is disgusting. If you don’t mind sitting in someone else’s feces on the toilet seat it might be your place thoughvv
- 10/17/2024
Expedia Group verified review
had a good place to park a truck and trailer
- 10/14/2024
Hotels.com verified review
Good , clean place, great staff
- 10/12/2024
Expedia Group verified review
Large overflow lot to park trucks and trailers
- 09/29/2024
Expedia Group verified review
We enjoyed our stay very much, would have been excellent if the pool had been available.
- 09/28/2024
Expedia Group verified review
It was a nice one night stay. Nothing much around and nothing to write home about. Staff was extremely nice and helpful.
- 09/24/2024
Hotels.com verified review
They put us in a smoking room, which we did not ask for, and they would not exchange our room to another one
- 09/15/2024
Expedia Group verified review
great stay
- 09/10/2024
Expedia Group verified review
The room smelled. The light fixture in the bathroom was hanging by the wires. And I was double charged for the stay.
The “manager” said the charge would “drop off”?
It was already drawn from my account