What Others Have Said
Knoebels Amusement Resort
Knoebels rocks!
Not only is it free admission free parking and free entertainment, but your pets are welcome too! They are allowed to ride the train and the carousel and the antique cars with you, there are water stations available and the staff is super friendly towards your pets. They do reserve the right to ask you to remove your animal if it is not friendly or on a leash. They have great rides and great food! Best supposed to go to enjoyed not only the park but your they are allowed to ride the train and the carousel and the antique cars with you, there are water stations available and the staff is super friendly towards your pets. They do reserve the right to ask you to remove your animal if it is not friendly or on a leash. They have great rides and great food! Best supposed to go to enjoyed not only the park butBe the best buddy to your dog that you can be!
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