Find your County below and click on Local Emergency Info to go to their website or click on Shelter Info (if applicable) to find information and/or locations for Emergency Shelters for your pet.
Description: According to the Atlantic County Office of Emergency Preparedness, their website is "devoted to keeping you informed, alert, and most of all READY for disasters or emergency situations. On this web site you can check the homeland security status, register a loved one with a special need, prepare your pet, but most importantly prepare yourself and your family in the event of a disaster." To that end they provide State of Emergency Information, Preparing for Disaster, Planning for Individuals with Special Needs, and Evacuation Information. You can also register your cell phone in the Emergency Notification System.
Local Emergency InfoDescription: The Bergen County Emergency Management website is chock full of great tips and advice on Emergency Preparedness. They provide information on making a Family Disaster Kit, What to Do When Disaster Strikes, Tools and Supplies, Sanitation, Disaster Psychology Preparedness, Flooding Preparedness, and Animal Emergency Preparedness.
Local Emergency Info Shelter InfoDescription: The Cape May County Emergency Management website provides plenty of information about what to do before, during and after a hurricane strikes. This includes Texting to 911 Emergency, Planning for Emergency, County Maintained Shelters and Helpful Videos such as Preparing Makes Sense for Older Americans, Preparing Makes Sense for Pet Owners and Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities & Other Access and Functional Needs.
Local Emergency Info Shelter InfoDescription: According to their website, the Essex County Office of Emergency Services "works closely with all Essex County municipalities, all public safety disciplines, and critical private/public sector entities to engage in comprehensive disaster planning for Essex County." Their prime focus is on Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery.
Local Emergency InfoDescription: Hudson County Office of Emergency Management has a sign-up for the Nixle Messaging System which sends news updates, event information, and other information to residents via email and text message. They also provide information on Making a Go Kit, A Family Emergency Plan and a Disaster Supply Kit. In addition, they have a brochure that explains how to keep your pet safe.
Local Emergency InfoDescription: According to their website, the Middlesex County Office of Emergency Management and Preparedness is "committed to coordinating response activities and assistance in the County of Middlesex, New Jersey; to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the effects of any emergency caused by natural, man-made or technological disasters or a national security crisis." They have a lot links that lead to pages on Hurricane Preparedness Tool Kits, Family Disaster Plans, the County Animal Response Team, and much more.
Local Emergency InfoDescription: The Monmouth County Office of Emergency Management website offers a New Jersey Hurricane Survival Guide, Your Family Disaster Plan, Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities, and information on Emergency Food and Water Supplies. They also have Flood Map Information, Hazard Mitigation Planning, and a map of Monmouth County Evacuation Routes.
Local Emergency Info Shelter InfoDescription: The Ocean County Office of Emergency Management website helps you create a family Emergency Operations Plan which identifies hazards and potential risks in the area and what you should take with you and where to go if you need to evacuate. They also have a Disaster Supply Kit and an Animal Preparedness and H.E.L.P section.
Local Emergency Info Shelter InfoDescription: As per their website, the Union County Division of Emergency Services "protects against the impacts of natural and man-made emergencies and disasters on people, property, environment and economy of Union County through mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery efforts." They have an Emergency Services Navigation Menu with topics such as Be Informed, Prepared, Involved, Disaster Planning, Mutual Aid, Training Classes and much more.
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