Pet Travel Tips
You want to get from here to there as safely and comfortably as you can with your pet. It’s not such an easy proposition. But that’s why we’re here–to make your journey as rewarding as it can be. If it were up to us, we’d have have that little guy at the end of the Mr. Peabody cartoons with the sweeper-upper, scooping poop, tidying up, answering any questions you might have, making your trip as pleasant as possible. Well, we can’t find him, but we’re doing our best to get you all the pertinent pet travel information you need.
- Always check with the database before leaving to make sure the hotel accepts pets. And check either our pet friendly hotel listings or directly with the hotel, to find out any restrictions, fees, etc.
- Make sure you keep a list of Emergency Veterinary Clinics in the area to which you’re headed. You can find a number of these in our database of emergency vets.
- Rabies vaccinations are a must for all travel abroad, and for returning to the United States. Many airlines also require these vaccinations also. Check with your vet for the complete range of vaccinations required, and of course, check with the airline and country to which you’re heading.
- Unfortunately, if you’re not traveling by car, domestic travel in the US is problematic. While some local transportation businesses and authorities may allow pets, Amtrak and Greyhound buses do not. Therefore, your options for traveling with a pet are drastically reduced.
- Car trips can be hazardous to your pet. How many times have you seen a small dog sitting on the drivers lap, looking out the window? Or the cat lying on the rear shelf on the car? A sudden stop, or even an accident can send your pet flying. A loose pet in a car can also escape if someone opens the door, forgetting that your pet is able to jump out before you can grab him or her. They make special harnesses for dogs like seatbelts, and the cat-carrier can always be used to transport your cat safely. Of course, make sure the carrier is also secured to the back seat with a seatbelt.
- Many dogs and cats do not travel well in a car. Consider speaking with your vet about sedatives. If your pet gets car sick, consider travel-sickness pills. Again, check with your vet for recommendations and dosage before giving your pet any medications.
- There have been too many incidents of cats and dogs suffering from heatstroke after being left in a hot car. Leave at least two windows (for cross draft) open slightly to provide fresh air. You might consider one of those solar powered fans that fit in the window. The fan fits snugly in the window, the sun powers the fan, and air is circulate within your vehicle. However, we strongly recommend that you DON’T leave animals in the car in hot climates or during the warmer months, as even a short time in a hot vehicle can be injurious to your pet.
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