If you’re getting ready for a big move to a new city or a new state, you already know there are a trillion things to take care of and of course, moving with a pet means there’s another family member to make sure is ok before and after the move.
Here are 4 ways to help make the move safer and less stressful on you and your pet:
1: Identification: Your pet will not completely understand what all the hustle and bustle is about. The boxes, the change in your evening and weekend routines, and the level of stress you have will be noticed by your pet. Your dog or cat may react by feeling fearful and unsure of all the changes. A scared pet may hide, panic, and get out of the house without you knowing. Before you start packing, make sure your pet is microchipped and the information is registered and current. Also, update the ID tags if you haven’t and have an extra set around in case your pet slips or loses her collar while out and about.
Most vet offices and shelters have microchip readers which can help reunite you and with your pet. The benefits of a microchip is that it cannot fall off, get lost, or be removed. ID tags help your pet be identified and returned even faster!
2: If you’re flying your pet to your new home make sure everything is secure and safe. The carrier should not have any holes or miss any screws. Put proper ID on the carrier and choose short flights with layovers if the trip is a long one.
If you’re driving, your dog should be in the backseat and be restrained securely. An unsecured pet can distract the driver, block your view, and may try to sit on your lap or under your seat while driving. This can cause an accident. An unrestrained pet could get seriously injured if they hit the windshield, car seat, or another passenger. Pet seat belts are available at your local pet store and will keep your pet safe and ensure less distracted driving.
3: Prep your pet for the trip by clipping her toenails to make sure she doesn’t get hooked on the carrier or rip the car seats. Brush her out to remove any dead fur and to help her feel more comfortable during a stressful ride. Also, don’t forget to keep any meds, documents, and food handy so you can take care of your furry friend while on the road.
4: Once you’re in your new home, set your pet up in one room for a few days, especially if she’s an indoor cat. Set up food, water, toys, bedding, and whatever else she needs in one designated room for a few hours or days till she begins showing curiosity. For your canine pal, setting up in one room will help her feel comfortable and safe. Walks and potty breaks are necessary but having a “safe” space will cut down on stress.
Gradually socialize your dog in the new neighborhood with short walks around the area. A few fun trips to a new dog park, new pet store, and exploring new places will perk your dog’s seeking behavior and reduce her fear and panic.
Try to keep the same schedule you had before of feeding, walking, playing, and day to day activities and your pet will quickly adjust to her new digs!
Kathy, love the tips!
I’d actually like to post this on our site and link to you, if that’s alright with you. Especially the fourth tip, on setting up a cat/dog in the new house.
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I just have to be moving! Such good tips. I have 3 Chihuahuas and I never thought of getting them identification tags, or micro-chipped, but I sure will now. Even though we are moving to an acreage, it’s not far to a highway and you never know what people will do if they see a cute dog. So thanks for the tips!