We’ve seen some incredibly horrible natural disasters on the news lately, from wildfires to floods, to tornadoes. June 1 marks the beginning of Hurricane Season in the U.S. and weather analysts have said this summer could be one of the toughest and extremely active seasons yet. They have predicted there could be as many as 20 storms to hit the U.S. in the next several months.
This is sobering news. As many of us have seen on the news and even experienced, being prepared for harsh weather conditions is the best thing we can do when we can’t control the weather. We can, however, control our response to the it and make sure our families (including our pets) are safe.
If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, here are 6 tips to keep the pets in your family safe!
- Always bring pets indoors at the first signs of a storm or a weather watch warning.
- Check that the ID tags on your pet are securely fastened to the collar, and if you haven’t do so, microchip your pet. Make sure all the information is current.
- In the window of your home by the front door, place a pet alert sticker so rescue workers know if there are pets in the home and how many in case you evacuate but can’t take your pet.
- Check your local shelters to see which ones allow pets in the event of an evacuation, this way you’ll be prepared and know where you are going if you are forced to leave your home.
- In your home emergency kid, keep a pet supplies handy with items such as medical records, water, pet food and medications, and pet First Aid supplies along with supplies for you and your family.
- Choose a designated caregiver who can take care of your pet in the event you are unable to do so, this could be a neighbor, friend, or relative who may be near by.
We hope you and your pets have a fun and safe summer!
Image from Torri
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