Five Great Things to do with Your Pet in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Basilica in Santa Fe

Since it’s been a while since Petswelcome last reviewed it, we thought we’d take a fresh look and see if we could come up with five great things to do with your pet in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Known as the “City Different” in the Land of Enchantment, Santa Fe has a unique vibe that […]

Top 12 Weird and Wacky Things People Do with Dogs

Dog and man in sky

I know there are a lot of weird and wacky things people do with dogs. But I keep it on the straight and narrow with mine and, in general, do normal things: go for walks, do road trips, play fetch, roll around on the grass and howl, try to catch birds in our mouths, urinate on […]

Pet Friendly Music Festivals for You and Your Pup

The season is well underway, and we went searching for pet friendly music festivals that you and your pooch can enjoy together. We wish we could tell you that some of the major festivals are pet friendly, but unfortunately they are not (one website made a point of saying “even tiny, tiny dogs” were not […]

How to Walk Through a Hotel Lobby with Your Dog

I don’t know about you but whenever I enter the doors to walk through a hotel lobby with my dog, my heart starts pounding, my hands get sweaty and I hear the theme song from Jaws coursing through my ears. That’s because one of the big challenges when traveling with a dog, at least for me, […]

How to Use Petswelcome’s Pet-Friendly Trip Planner

Beagle on Road Trip

One of Petswelcome’s most popular features is our Pet-friendly Trip Planner, which pet-owners use to plan their road trips with their favorite animal(s). The best feature of the Trip Planner, besides allowing you to find pet-friendly hotels along your route, is that you can save it. Overall, the planner is much more than simply getting directions […]

Pet-Friendly Beacon, New York

dogs in a stroller in pet-friendly beacon new york

If you and your bestest buddy are looking for a day trip out of the city or a weekend road trip from elsewhere, pet-friendly Beacon, New York, is the place to go. If you’re coming up from the city, the good news is that Metro North is also pet friendly. Pet are allowed on the […]

10 Greatest Cartoon Dogs Ever

Cartoon Dog Droopy

Thinking back to my earliest memories of dogs, I remember my father’s Doberman, Vicky, who let me ride on her back when I was very young. I can still feel the visceral exhilaration of her speed and her concern in making sure I didn’t fall off. But beyond that experience, and a maybe a few […]

Dog Friendly Major League Baseball Parks

What could be better than combining two of Americans’s favorite pastimes, baseball and hanging with your canine? The good news is that is already a reality at a number of dog friendly Major League Baseball parks around the country. These are special promotional events (Bark in the Park, Pup Night, Dog Days of Summer) that […]

Fall Travel With Pets

Fall is easily the most packed holiday season in the United States – the weather is reliably cooler and the kids are back in school, Labor day, Halloween, Columbus day, Veterans day, Thanksgiving, and sometimes even Hanukkah, all start in Fall. Meaning there is a lot of planning of family trips, get togethers, and shopping. […]

Pet-Friendly Newport

Rhode Island is named the Ocean State for good reason: everywhere you turn you seem to have amazing vistas of the ocean, including Block Island Sound, Rhode Island Sound and Narragansett Bay. And Newport puts you right in the middle of it. It’s also one of our favorite cities because it’s extremely pet friendly. For […]

Delta Airlines No Longer Allows Pets To Fly in Luggage Compartment

After March 2016, Delta will not longer allow pets to fly in the luggage compartment of their planes. There are a few exceptions but Delta is following a positive trend that other airlines have implemented to ensure that our pets are safe and healthy. Since 2011, about 74 pets have died on a Delta aline […]

American Airlines Creates First Ever Pet Cabin

Lots of airlines allow you to fly with your pet in the cabin as long as the carrier can fit under the seat, which means, only smaller dogs and cats can travel with you. Larger dogs end up in the cargo hold or other area of the plane and as we’ve read in the past, […]

American Airlines Creates First Ever Pet Cabin

Lots of airlines allow you to fly with your pet in the cabin as long as the carrier can fit under the seat, which means, only smaller dogs and cats can travel with you. Larger dogs end up in the cargo hold or other area of the plane and as we’ve read in the past, […]

Petswelcome’s Choice Hotels Challenge

Did you know that Choice Hotels has eleven different pet-friendly brands? To celebrate so many great places to take your pet, we’re challenging you to name them all!  Beginning on Monday the 21st, every other day, we’ll post a crossword-style clue about the name of that day’s brand on our twitter. If you know the […]

Delta Airlines Lets You Track Your Pet’s Comfort in Flight

For years airlines have tried to make flying with pets comfortable for the pet, the other passengers, and you. Some airlines have restricted the size of a pet to prevent pets being in the cargo area where temperatures fluctuate and can harm or even kill pets. Other airlines will not allow pets on flights during […]

Online “Pet Stores” – 4 Scams to Watch Out For

A few months ago we told you about what you can do to support the ending of puppy mills and raise awareness of how to find a good breeder. Pet stores in many states are slowly feeling the pressure to stop selling animals like they are objects. Some states are taking action and passing laws […]

Pet Friendly Ontario

Ontario is one of the provinces of Canada and boasts having a vast array of family friendly getaways, outdoor adventures, and cultural experiences. If you’re thinking of vacationing in Ontario and want to bring your pup, there are several pet friendly hotels and bed and breakfasts that welcome pets. Ontario is big, so if you’re […]

Driving With Your Pup: Keep Her Restrained

Not all driving distractions are due to smart phones, changing the station on the radio, or eating while driving. Some are due to a tail in your face, a sudden bark that makes you jump, or a thud that makes you turn around quickly. More and more states are realizing that our pets can get […]

A Hidden Gem in Vermont

Many years ago, when New York Magazine was still in its infancy, I had a business luncheon with one of their editors. We went to a wonderful little restaurant, located upstairs on Second Avenue above a bank of stores. As we ordered, the restaurant slowly filled up, but was never crowded. And the food was […]

Ten Most Popular Dog Breeds in America: Good Dogs For Travel?


1. Labrador Retriever These are one of the most common dogs in America, every year. They are big, fun, friendly and good with children. They are one of the best family dogs.  They are great travel dogs because they love exercise and can adapt to different environments. They are fun to take to the beach, […]