Driving With Your Pup: Keep Her Restrained

Not all driving distractions are due to smart phones, changing the station on the radio, or eating while driving. Some are due to a tail in your face, a sudden bark that makes you jump, or a thud that makes you turn around quickly. More and more states are realizing that our pets can get […]

Hotel Travel Tips

Ok, so you found a nice hotel where you and your dog can hang out. The hotel has given your dog a special bed, treats, and and complimentary toys.You’ve brought enough food, made sure to bring proof of vaccinations, and your dog isn’t too weirded out by the new space. Now it’s time to go […]

Pet Travel Tips

Traveling to a place for vacation or business can be stressful for us. We worry about the things we need to pack and the things we are leaving behind. We may check to make sure all our windows and doors are locked a few times before leaving, have a checklist for the things we are […]

Human Foods That Cats Can Eat

Dogs are always curious what we are eating and if you have cats, you know they are too. Making food sometimes means you draw a crowd of little furry friends who sniff the air and stare at you and the stove wondering what smells so good. It can be hard to resist giving your cat […]

Hotel Manners: Tips When Traveling With Your Dog

Dogs can be great hotel guests and can make the other guests and staff happy by offering a wagging tail, happy face, and a few kisses. They also don’t steal towels, take the little shampoo bottles, or try to steal the paintings off the walls. When traveling with your dog, plan ahead and make reservations […]

Tips For Crating Your Dog

Just got a puppy? Or adopted an adult dog? Crating is a great method that many people use to help house-train dogs and also a place where your dog can rest when unsupervised. This prevents dogs from having accidents in the house, keeps them from destroying items in the house, and if done correctly, can […]

Health Benefits Of Having A Pet

Let’s be honest, many of us have routines to help keep our moods up. We exercise, take walks, have a hobby, or a good close circle of friends. We may even have a therapist or go to a group that helps us express what’s going on, release the stress that we bottle up, and try […]

Travel Checklist For Your Pet

Going on a trip with your pet? Don’t forget the following items and things to do before you go: 1: Medication – If your pet is on medicine for an ailment, make sure you have enough of it for the duration of your trip. Pick up refills that your pet will need. Don’t forget the […]

5 Tips For Boarding Your Dog

Heading on a vacation or bringing your teen back to college? Can’t bring Buddy with you? There are plenty of kennels and boarding facilities where you can board your dog while you’re gone. Make sure you feel comfortable leaving him at a place while you’re gone. Here are some tips for finding a boarding facility […]

Health and Safety Tips for Camping With Your Dog

Heading to the great outdoors this summer with your dog? Camping with your best buddy can be fun, a time to bond, and exciting for them. But don’t forget, there are some safety tips you need to keep in mind to keep your dog healthy, safe, and happy while you’re camping. The following tips can […]

4 Tips For Moving With Your Pet

If you’re getting ready for a big move to a new city or a new state, you already know there are a trillion things to take care of and of course, moving with a pet means there’s another family member to make sure is ok before and after the move. Here are 4 ways to […]

8 Hiking Tips for You and Your Pup

With the nicer temperatures and the increased level of activity your dog is having outside, hiking can be a great way to bond with your dog and help them burn off some energy and also great for you. However, there are a few things you should do to make the hike enjoyable for you and […]

10 Tips For Caring For Your Parakeet

Parakeets can make great pets. They don’t take up as much space as a cat or dog and often don’t require as much time or cost very much. They can live a long healthy life ranging from 10 to 14 years. If you have a parakeet or have been thinking of adopting one, here’s 10 […]

How to Feed Your Mouse Effectively

Feeding your mouse correctly is important, whether stationary or while traveling. Mice should stick to a routine when they eat. You should try to feed them the same time every day. Mice should drink water, not milk, and should have a constant supply of it. Mice are one of the easier pets to feed. Their […]

Advice for Traveling with Your Fish


Traveling or moving with your fish can be a bit complicated, but can go well if you do everything correctly. The first thing you should do is remove your fish from an aquarium if it exceeds five gallons. You should then place your fish in a break-proof container. You can take smaller aquariums with you […]

Advice for Traveling with Your Gerbil


Gerbils are one of the easier pets to travel with. You just have to take a few easy steps to make sure it is done safely. If its home cage is a small size, then you can just use that for the trip. The other option is to purchase a plastic tank, or just a […]

Tips for Traveling with Your Potbelly Pig


If you plan to travel with your potbelly pig, you should take a few precautions before you embark on your journey. The first thing you should do is crate train or kennel train your pig. You should get your pig used to its crate, because you don’t want it to get scared when you are […]

Traveling with your Iguana: Different Ways to Contain It


Moving or transporting your iguana can cause it stress. You can avoid stressful situations if you take some precautions and prepare your actions. Preparing for the proper box or carrying case is one of the key components in preparing to embark on your journey with your iguana. Whichever method you use, you should constantly check […]

Tips for Road Trips with Your Rat


Traveling with your rat can be fun for both of you, so long as you prepare for it and are properly supplied for the session. If you are going on a long car trip, you should get your rat used to being in the car beforehand. Start off by going on short trips, and then […]

Tips for Traveling with Your Rabbit


If you are staying with family or friends on your trip, make sure in advance that no one is allergic to rabbits. If your rabbit is not used to car rides, and you are going to go on a long trip, you should train for it in advance. You should do small trips to start […]